8 Romantic Christmas Date Ideas Sweeter Than Sugarplums

Holiday Lights Tour: Take a drive or a stroll through neighborhoods adorned with Christmas lights.

Ice Skating Under the Stars: Find a local outdoor ice skating rink, hold hands, and glide under the twinkling stars.

Christmas Movie Marathon: Cozy up with blankets, hot cocoa, and your favorite Christmas movies.

Decorate Gingerbread Houses: Spend an evening decorating gingerbread houses.

Attend a Christmas Concert: Look for local Christmas concerts or performances. Enjoy the festive music and the holiday spirit together.

Holiday Baking Together: Choose a few favorite holiday recipes and bake together.

Christmas Market Date: Stroll hand in hand, sip on hot cider, and pick out unique holiday gifts for each other.

DIY Ornament Crafting: Create personalized Christmas ornaments together. It's a sentimental activity that can become a yearly tradition.

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