8 Practical Ways For You Dog To Avoid Destructive Behavior While You Work

Provide Sufficient Exercise: Ensure your dog gets enough physical exercise before you leave for work.

Mental Stimulation: Keep your dog's mind engaged with puzzle toys, interactive feeders, or toys that dispense treats.

Establish a Routine: Establish a consistent daily routine that includes feeding, walks, and playtime, helping your dog know what to expect.

Create a Dog-Friendly Space: Designate a safe and comfortable area for your dog while you're away.

Use Interactive Cameras: Set up a camera to keep an eye on your dog while you're away.

Dog Walker or Sitter: If possible, hire a dog walker or pet sitter to break up the day.

Doggy Daycare: This provides social interaction and structured activities, reducing the likelihood of destructive behavior.

Chew Toys and Bones: Provide a variety of durable chew toys and bones to keep your dog's attention.

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